Owners of boarded horses are expected to arrange regular exercise for their animals.
No stallions.
Horses are housed in spacious 24' x 48' paddocks of various configurations. Some are pipe while many include Horse Guard Bi-Polar Electric Tape, the finest bi-polar electric fencing used all over the world. Box stalls or paddocks of special design may be installed on request.
We are a perfect location for layups, rehabilitation, retirements, as well as horses in regular work!
Personal tack may be stored in a locked common tack room or privately purchased shed.
Horse trailers may be stored on the property at no extra charge.
Board is $300 / month plus the cost of feed. 10% off for second or additional horses. Due at the beginning of each month.
The base board fee of $300 a month
Other services such as multiple turn outs / week, longing, exercising under saddle, and rehabilitation programs are available for purchase.
Cost of feed can vary dramatically. However, an easy rule of thumb is that it will cost about $150 to $200 a month for hay to feed an average horse. It can be half of that for a pony and double that for a large horse with special needs.